Sony RX100M2 (2) – Joby Micro250 腳架
替 Sony RX100M2 再添一員補品,淘寶店的產品名稱是「JOBY 宙比 Gorillapod Micro 250 數碼相機微型腳架 GP15 適用 RX100II」(RMB90),這個簡單的產品描述,已經充份代表了以下幾佰字的介紹。
GorillaPod Micro 250
這款 GorillaPod Micro 250 腳架是摺合式三腳設計,裝上相機後,令人不想拆它出來,使用時把三腳撥開就可以,腳架有 36° 微調波頭,可以稍為調整水平及角度,使用後把三雙小腳拍齊,便可以緊貼相機收藏起來。
GorillaPod Micro 250 使用了不銹剛鋁合金及鋅合金物料制造,它的承托力雖然只有 250g,不過足夠支撐 280g 的 RX100M2。
我喜歡這支 Joby 迷你腳架,就讓它長時間附著腳機,反正可以調校角度,隨時在街上拍攝長時間曝光夜景照、或者團體自拍照,都不用擔心漏帶腳架。有了這一支好拍檔,便可以多隨手拍攝多一點入黑後 的景色,我打算把 photo album 名稱叫做 One night in Hong Kong 。
- JOBY GorillaPod Micro 250: Always-on camera tripod for point & shoot cameras
- Sony RX100M2 (1) – 貼皮 腳架 手繩
Your camera’s new best friend, the GorillaPod Micro 250 is the first always-on camera tripod that offers the stability, range of movement and versatility of full-size supports for your point and shoot camera. Elegantly concealed beneath the base of the camera, the sleek form is convenient to carry and allows easy access in and out of any camera case. The stainless steel and zinc alloy construction is engineered for dependable stability, quick deployment and precise ball positioning for cameras weighing up to 250g (8.8 oz.). Plus, the colorful rubber grips provide rock-solid footing on any surface. Now you can capture crisp low-light landscapes, group portraits and time-lapse party scenes, wherever your adventures take you. Forever at your camera’s side, GorillaPod Micro 250 is the indispensable companion for any photo or video enthusiast.
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@paco 電話的話都差不多了,最好的是 1010,在市區中使用,隨便挑一張都差不多。
Tere, 多謝你好介紹,我岩岩買左部pan記gm1配你呢個腳架,真系perfect match!!呀,吾記得祝你新婚快樂添!!
@wallacewong 多謝~~ 我本來唔捨得買,買左無後悔啊。晌螺絲頭度配一個膠圈等兩個金屬食得更緊、效果可能更好
@wallacewong 多謝你啊。