金剛 II 小喇叭

從淘寶網了一個「金剛 II 」USB 喇叭 (RMB 110),配搭 Galaxy Tab7.7 和 notebook 使用,喇叭有拳頭般的大小 (尺寸:直徑6cm/喇叭:直徑4cm) ,出自「艾特銘客」Abramtek 品牌,他是深圳一家無線滑鼠的生產商,其後開發及推出這款金剛系列的迷你喇叭。

這個小圓筒,本身有音量調節,支援 TF 卡及 3.5mm 插頭播放音樂,有 FM 收音機 (用數據線當作天線) 及 USB 內置鋰電 (400mA),可以插 mini USB 進行充電或直接跟 PC 播放音效,搭配 PC 電腦使用的話,不用額外插上電源。

以一個小喇叭來說,在檯頭插著 Galaxy S3 播放許美靜的傾城一曲,可能是它的「牆式氣流增壓、懸浮式低頻諧震系統」設計發揮了作用,人聲和低音表現都不錯。

註: 這個小喇叭經 USB 連接 PC 時,它會在 PC 關機時,自動跳去收音機模式,好鬼魅的功能設計,不好!



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10 Responses

  1. Elton says:

    how long will the battery life last?

  2. Horace Ho says:

    比你講到心郁郁 …

  3. terewong says:

    @Horace 你心郁,我的文字才達到目的 XDDD。
    @Elton Just playback the music (connection: computer to speaker through the audio cable) at a low volume for over 8 hrs, the green light still on …

  4. Dogncat says:


  5. Madge Cheung says:


  6. KingHung says:

    Tere, 前排試過Soundfreaq loud speaker, 真係一試難忘,當然貴D, 不過真係幾好聲,反正iphone5轉插頭,soundfreaq應該會有好多死貨(佢係iphone插頭/headphone jack/BT),到時睇下有無死雞執下覺 ^_^

  7. Jake in the box says:

    Tere, I bought the same but in blue tooth verson @RMB169.00 from Taobao on early Aug, very convenience when on trip in the hotel, can freely place anywhere to get the best sound, especially on the small table near wall or on the toilet desktop, amazing sound ! But the battery can only last for around 4-5 hours in mid-high volume.

  8. Tony says:

    thanks Tere, we have bought 5 pic with our friend, and get a free delivery from Taobao, the sound petty good and bass have power too.

  9. terewong says:

    @Tony after using this speaker, I feel regret that I did not choose the bluetooth model, ha ha.

  10. Madge Cheung says:


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